Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Raise Your Arms and Bend Backwards

Yoga took me off the traditional career track. For me, the daily practice of yoga muted my raw ambition and gave me a broader sense of what I really wanted to accomplish in life.

For decades, I focused on "achievement" -- nothing unusual for a Harvard MBA. During this time, I was also an avid runner. And my running paralleled by career. Just as I pushed myself to run marathons at a faster pace, I pushed myself higher up the corporate ladder. Until I realized I could not sustain this pace over a lifetime. And that's when I discovered yoga.

The frame of reference for most business people is onward and upward. And over time you become less flexible both physically and emotionally. And this is not helped by long hours at work behind a desk. Business people are not geared to bend in all directions. And, this is damaging in the long run.

I am not suggesting you quit your job or derail your career aspirations. I continue to explore new growth opportunities and recently joined a new media start up. I am suggesting though that you find an activity that complements this mad rush forward. You'll find that twisting and bending backwards (even if only figuratively) provides many benefits, especially when everyone else around you seems to be racing forward with blinders on.

A little bending and twisting will make you more reflective and thoughtful. And, the added flexibility will enable you to adapt to the changing demands placed on you. At the very least, you will reduce your risk of back injury, the next time you bend over to pick up something. That's what a little yoga can do for you. And just maybe, it can do a whole lot more.

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